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Rear Image Of Indian Peafowl
Peafowl is the commonly used term to refer to female peafowl. They are usually smaller than peacocks, weighing less than four kilograms. The head is brown in colour, and the neck is metallic green. Head bears the crest made up of bare-shafted feathers, but its prominence is low. The body is shaded-brown in colour. The tail and rest also are brown in colour. White coloured short feathers on either side cover the belly. The overall colorfulness is less attractive in the females, which is because peafowl makes the final call about the mating partner. She usually likes to mate with the most attractive peacock. Upon a successful mating, female lays white-coloured eggs and incubates them until hatch. The incubation time is almost a month (28 – 30 days). Eggs are light brown coloured and slightly smaller than turkey eggs. The call of the peafowl sounds ‘kwikkuk kwikkukkuk’ and sometimes ‘kra kraak’.
Ciconia is a genus of birds in the stork family. The genus name is the Latin word for "stork", and was originally recorded in the works of Horace and Ovid. Six of the seven living species occur in the Old World, but the maguari stork has a South American range. In addition, fossils suggest that Ciconia storks were somewhat more common in the tropical Americas in prehistoric times.
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